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Staying resilient during flu season

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Staying resilient during flu season

In the post-covid world that we currently live in, doctors’ priorities have shifted from taking care of the general public to protecting the vulnerable and keeping illnesses at bay. Flu season is no longer just flu season. It’s “12 colds, an ear infection, strep throat, and 8 covid tests later” season. How can we manage these months at home? How can we stay resilient in a time of illness and uncertainty? With health clinics and urgent cares’ swarming with germs and viruses, is there a way to take our health back into our own hands?

Reflecting back on the past 5 years, we have collectively overcome a virus that appeared from tasteless nights and feverish chills. We survived a pandemic as a global community, and derived from that is now the ability to build resilience toward sickness. But how? Is Paclavid the only answer? Here are tips on how to boost immunity while kicking those unwanted illnesses out. 

Boosting Immunity with Homeopathic Medicine

Our planet is equipped with the tools it needs to fight off illness, especially with modern day medicine and monitoring abilities. Whether you consider yourself against vaccines or have them yourself, these remedies are a must for flu season. 

  • Garlic is known to have antiviral and antimicrobial properties that are essential to fighting off the common cold, Flu, and even Covid-19. Garlic also serves as a natural anti-nausea remedy in small doses. To consume this product and maintain its cancer-fighting properties, cut up one garlic clove and expose it to the air for about 10 minutes. You can then eat it raw or mix it into a super-immunity boosting shot. When I feel a cold coming on, I love to blend up garlic, leafy greens, ginger, lemon, honey, and water to make the perfect (not great tasting) immunity shot. I end up feeling back to normal within a day or two of taking it! 
  • Zinc is a natural immune-boosting element that the majority of Americans are lacking in their everyday diet. Zinc is found in red meats, green vegetables, and oysters. According to studies recorded by the National Library of Medicine, “Daily zinc supplementation substantially reduced the incidence of colds.”  Taking a daily vitamin with zinc supplementation can help reduce colds from appearing and shorten the duration of colds. A highly rated homeopathic medicine called “Zicam” is available on the market for a supplementation to other common cold medicines such as Dayquil or other medicines that are not considered homeopathic. 
  • Ginger is a popular remedy used in immunity shots and teas to fight against stomach bugs, nausea, and immunity strength. Used since ancient times, ginger can be consumed in teas to soothe stomach viruses and even fight against losing sense of taste. I personally use it in the mornings to aid in digestion and have loved the results!
  • Elderberry is a natural occurring berry that is used to boost immunity and stimulate the production of white blood cells. This berry isn’t usually found in grocery stores but supplements can be taken at the first sign of a cold or as a daily intake. 

Healthy Habits Create a Healthy Body 

Lifestyle has a huge impact on our physical health, with how we handle your stress being the most impactful. On average, 80% of doctor visits are for stress related ailments that can be avoided when our stress is properly dealt with according to WebMD. When we prioritize lowering the stress built up in our bodies, the hormone “cortisol” is lowered which allows for our blood to retract back to a healthy thickness, our brains to retract to healthy production levels of “serotonin”, and our white blood cells can focus on fighting off viruses rather than keeping us alive from imaginary threats. Long-term stress is the leading cause of diabetes, compromised immune systems, autoimmune diseases, and the majority of mental illnesses. The most stressful times in my life have been the ones where I find myself catching every virus that I encounter. This is due to our immune systems being compressed from the stress of life events. Mechanisms to lower the levels of stress in our bodies include

  • Maintaining hobbies that bring you joy such as reading, watching movies, hiking, games, whatever hobby you find yourself enjoying. Allow time in your life for these activities as they allow for our minds to decompress from stress. 
  • Regularly partaking in low-impact exercises such as walking, hiking, kayaking, yoga, and low impact pilates. These activities decompress our bodies and joints and don’t put extra stress on them, making it the perfect activity to destress and relax while moving your body and allowing increased blood flow. Low impact exercises also reduce inflammation resulting in digestive aid and improved sleep.
  • Prioritizing sleep (maybe even oversleeping) is the most healing remedy you can give your body. Getting seven, eight, or even nine hours of sleep can significantly improve stress levels and allow your body to regulate its natural hormonal balance. Being a well rounded sleeper will result in less illness, improved moods, and will better equip your body to cope with everyday stress.  

Fighting Sick Season as a Collective Effort 

As we continue on in this post-pandemic world, we must rebuild our immunity and protect others around us. Taking care of yourself is taking care of others. Taking the steps to naturally maintain your health is a long-term solution to a long-term battle. Using remedies of the earth like garlic, zinc, and ginger will help give your body the tools it needs to keep you healthy while eliminating lab-made medications and the need for doctor visits. Prioritization of health and our bodies first defense against illness will ensure we will be able to continue on in life feeling well and being well.

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